Rescue 9

1996 Saulsbury / Simon Duplex Custom Rescue (8 man cab)
One of our two First Line Response trucks, it is fully equipped for motor vehicle accidents and fire support operations.
A PTO driven 15 Kw . generator provides electric power. Lighting includes a 22 ft, 6000 watt light tower. The truck contains redundant Hurst operations capable of working on either side of the truck.
Rescue equipment includes Hurst Model 32, (2) Paladin combo-tools, O-Cutter, TNT Cutter, and various Rams. As a reserve a gas-powered pump backs up the system. Cascade Operations include (6) 5000 lb. Supply bottles with a Sierra Air Booster, giving us the ability to completely fill over 60, 30-minute bottles. This truck also contains MSA SCBA’s, rescue saws, ventilation equipment, and a Physio-Control Lifepac Defibrillator.
Rescue 7
2015 Spartan Custom Rescue (10 man cab)
Built for the modern day, was built with the future in mind.
Rescue 7 is equipped with 250 Gallons of water for hazmat decon operations, rope rescue, and a winch. Cascade operations includes (4) 6,000 lb. supply bottle with a sierra booster, giving the ability to fill all bottles. For motor vehicle accidents, the system is capable of handing several scenes as the truck has 4 hydraulic tools equipped at all times, with 4 e-hydraulic tools ready for quick action.

Rescue 8
1998 GMC 3500 Dual Wheel Emergency Response Truck
Designated as a Light Duty Rescue, this vehicle is equipped to tow and support the squad’s various trailers. Also equipped with limited Hurst and Rescue equipment and Defibrillator, it is intended as a primary response vehicle to limited access structure such as parking garages, FAST Team responses, and as a back-up to any of our first line trucks. This truck was built in-house by our members and was purchased through the generous donations of our residents.
Rescue 77
2004 Ford Excursion Custom 1st Response Vehicle
Built by Rescue Members, this truck now serves as our utility truck, used to move our non-motorized equipment.

Rescue 70
2023 Chevrolet Tahoe
Purchased by both Borough of Paramus and Paramus Rescue Association, is our newest truck in the fleet. This truck serves as the chiefs main primary truck for all calls. Rescue 70 is equipped with an SCBA, a e-hydraulic tool, and quick forceible entry equipment.